Lời bài hát Silence

[Verse 1]
Tell me, tell me it’s over
We’ve been fighting all night
Now the day’s getting light
Better ease up, give in, cool it down
And after the fighting
The screaming, the shouting
And all of the noise has died down
There’s one lingering thing
In the room I hear ring
And it’s hard not to notice it now
Unbreakable silence
Oh oh oh silence
Too much trauma in our love
Connection has been torn
[Verse 2]
Tell me, tell me you’re sorry
That’s all I need hear
Let your conscience be clear
And go ‘head move on with your life
Our crowning moment
Our only agreement
Is not to waste any more time
There’s no need to linger
Keep pointing that finger
Make peace and grow stronger inside
Oh silence
Oh give me that silence
Oh oh oh silence
Too much trauma in our love
Connection has been torn
[Verse 3]
Tell me you’ll be ok
Tell me you’ll be fine
Tell me that you’ll move on
And find another life
I told you I forgive you
I told you it’s alright
So let’s not break the peace again tonight
I just want silence
Oh give me that silence
Oh oh oh silence
Too much trauma in our love
We cry, we fight, we've had enough
There's too much trauma in our love
Connection has been torn

Ảnh lời bài hát Silence

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Nhận xét
Bài hát 'Silence' của nhạc sĩ Benjamin James là ca khúc đầy cảm xúc và đầy ẩn ý. Lời bài hát thể hiện sự mệt mỏi sau một cuộc tranh cãi dữ dội, khi hai người đã cãi nhau suốt cả đêm. Từ đầu bài hát, chúng ta cảm nhận được tình thần căng thẳng


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